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Blog Greenyway sobre Sostenibilidad y Ecología( Projects )

Thermal Covers For Your Bottles
Thermal sheath, shockproof

Since we started with the Greenybottles more than two years ago, our top priority has been to always listen to our customers. In this way have been improved bottles according to us ibais posing questions and suggestions. Thus we have launched this year 2014 with new features like more resistant paint models, or a much improved Cap: more robust, which not

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Published 10 years, 10 months ago by Fernando. ().

Your Opinion Matters!
Attention to the user, service Greenyway

In Greenyway what most important for us is the satisfaction of all the people who acquire our products. If you have any issues during the purchase, shipping or products, will be happy to resolve it in a way inmedianta via our customer service channel: [email protected].

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Published 10 years, 11 months ago by Fernando. ().

Greenyway donations
Compensation, grant, kiva, SEO Birdlife, Northern bald Ibis

All that you've bought at GW, you know that we offer the possibility to participate in our compensation program. Our compensation program is to compensate the impact our business has on the environment. We always try to be short as possible, but are sincere, and no human activity is exempted from environmental impact. Our way of balance this is our compensation program.

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Published 10 years, 11 months ago by Fernando. ().

New Year... New Image!

Today we launch the new image for Greenyway, and the new web site! We hope that you will enjoy it, so much as we :D

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Published 10 years, 11 months ago by Fernando. ().

Greeny Bottles
Stainless Bottles, eco-friendly, BPA-free, plastic, collaboration

The greeny bottles are bottles eco-friendly and healthy, as an alternative to disposable plastic bottles.

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Published 13 years, 2 months ago by Fernando. ().

Health and bottles
Reusable bottles, bottles of stainless steel, stainless steel 304, free from BPA, bottles healthy, ecological, eco-friendly

As many of you know, our priority project now in Greenyway is launching a line of eco-friendly BPA free reusable bottles (uff that tirade). To reach the conclusion that this should be our first project, the truth is that we have had to investigate enough. Since it is not easy to get to the bottom of the whole truth about this topic. We do not want to be demagogues, but yes give you some notes about each of the types of bottles that we usually use in our daily lives, to have enough information when you choose your bottle.

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Published 13 years, 1 month ago by Fernando. ().

We Join Kiva
Kiva, ONG, Sustainability, cooperation, Ecology

Recently, through a friend, we have learned about an interesting initiative called Kiva is an NGO, but a very particular one. Like all NGOs, it pursues a social and just goal, and is based on the collaboration of conscientious and involved people.

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Published 13 years ago by Fernando. ().

First designs of Greenyway Bottles
Water bottle, Ecology, Ecobottles

As you know we are looking for attractive designs with a message for our reusable and BPA-free bottle. We have already received a couple of them:

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Published 13 years, 1 month ago by Fernando. ().